VO2max Test

RM750 This is the gold standard for assessing an athlete’s ceiling aerobic capacity. Ideal for any athlete that likes to push themselves in their sport.

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Metabolic Efficiency Test (MET)

RM750 Have you ever wondered if you are a good fat burner? This assessment will tell you just that.

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'Race-Ready' Assessment

RM700 Prepare for your race including performance, nutrition and hydration advice.

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Performance Tracking Bundle

RM2500 Test - Train - Retest

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Sweat Analysis

RM250 Have you ever wondered if you are consuming sufficient salt and fluids during training and competition? Let us help solve this mystery for you!

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Performance Field Testing

We conduct a battery of physiological tests on Field, Combat or Game-based athletes/teams.

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Running Gait Analysis

RM350 Running gait analysis is the study of how you run, typically to identify and correct biomechanical inefficiencies that might lead to injury or to improve performance.

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